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Emotive Productions

  • synopses
  • the battle of belief
  • Synopsis

    Destruction of Babylonian artefact


    The Battle of Belief discusses situations that may arise, when as a people, we believe in something so vehemently, it effects our identity, either as individuals or as a country, nation or group, as well as affecting how we interact with others of differing faiths and beliefs.

    That the basis of an edict may be the manipulation of a religious principle, people of faith may be ruled by fear, or threat of physical violence, towards either themselves, family or tribe unto which they belong.

    The quashing of one belief system by another does not necessarily alter or change the cultural practices of a people but instead, it may create apathy or otherwise contribute to ongoing terror and strife.


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    While religion may not be an element of national identity per se, it nonetheless binds people across culture and ethnicity, such that affiliation may trigger crises, when for example there is ignorance or a lack of understanding.


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