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Emotive Productions

  • synopses
  • love and fear
  • Synopsis

    Domestic Violence Stalking


    Love and Fear discusses a relationship between two people, where prior experiences are not discussed, nor disclosed, with the manifestation of violent behaviours exhibited, while unhealthy attachments in each subject are exposed.

    Manipulation and control of one subject, over another demonstrates that violence can pervade a relationship at any time, while words can be taken as being true of heart, when in all likelihood they are merely the result of prior negative experience.

    That society does not offer alternatives for those wanting to escape domestic violence, notwithstanding offering abusers a way out of such a quagmire, shows that priority is placed on narrow economic interests, rather than broader social cohesion.


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    Domestic violence can readily cross social barriers, such that signs of abuse may go unnoticed or are simply ignored and the entity of the relationship itself can become more important in a social context, rather than the welfare of the individuals concerned.


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