Age of Extinction, discusses pollution of inland waterways via pharmaceutical waste, as well as the disappearance of native species and deforestation of the planet, concurring with the introduction of what are now, pest species, which have at one time or other cohabitated with humans or served some purpose.
Pharmacological waste entering tributaries, is causing antibiotic resistance in organisms, which is hazardous to human health, in particular for those, of which immunity to communicable diseases is compromised.
Habitat loss as a result of land clearing, compounds the effects of invasive species, which thrive in warmer and wetter climates, and is detrimental to native vegetation and wildlife, notwithstanding pollution of inland water bodies.
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The destruction of nature is causing irreversible harm to ecologies the world over, as humans unsustainably consume resources, which requires more space to conduct mining and agriculture, as soils are degraded or become unavailable to domestic and wild plant life.
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